Trigun (Anime)

My Rating: 100%
Episodes: 26

Adapted by Madhouse from Yasuhiro Nightow's manga, Trigun is the story of a rather ridiculous, self-absorbed, and clumsy buffoon, "Vash the Stampede," "The Humanoid Typhoon," "The $$60,000,000,000 Man." Although lighthearted, Trigun slowly unfolds to the viewer the complexity of Vash's character and the incredible moral dilemma he suffers from.

Wreaking havoc wherever he goes, Vash teems up with two insurance agents, Meryl and Milly, as they attempt to mitigate the damage he inevitably seems to cause. What they find strange is that the reputedly ruthless killer not only acts like a complete moron, but also never seems to injure anyone. Later, they discover why Vash is so feared, what caused the complete destruction of Lost July, and what happened in Vash's history: why he always remembers a girl named Rem and a boy called Knives.

The majority of Trigun is extremely hilarious entertainment. As the end approaches, it becomes as intellectually captivating as it has been entertaining. The plot is very well-constructed, and the main theme song is awesome.

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