Monster (Manga or Anime)

My Rating: 100%
Chapters: 162
Episodes: 74

Naoki Urasawa's masterpiece of suspense and psychological horror, Monster explores the depths of human darkness and wrestles with moral issues that few people may have the courage to consider.

Doctor Kenzo Tenma, a talented neurosurgeon, is unjustly demoted after choosing to save the life of a child with a gunshot wound to the head, rather than drop the patient when the mayor suddenly suffers from a stroke. Nine years later, Tenma discovers that the child whose life he saved is now not only a serial murderer, but also an influential and greatly feared figure in the criminal underground.

The story continues to tell of Tenma's search for redemption from his act of mercy and his quest to discover the truth of Johan Liebert. Epic in scale, and covering nearly twenty years of Tenma's life, Monster may not be an exercise for the faint of heart reader (or anime enthusiast), but whoever might commit to it will soon discover the allure of Urasawa's work, and why he has been proclaimed the second "master of manga," following Osamu Tezuka.

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